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14 doctoral research positions from 1.10.2025 until 30.9.2028

Here you find additional information for  the 14 advertised SystemLink 3rd cohort doctoral research positions (here). Please refer to the official advertisement for aspects such as required documents to submit with your application, deadlines etc.
In addition, please consider the information provided here during your application.

SystemLink focuses on the bottom-up and top-down mediated interactions in terrestrial ecosystems, which propagate from aquatic environments as a result of their exposure to anthropogenic stress. The research is guided by the theoretical framework of stressor propagation within meta-ecosystems  with related hypotheses.

For the 3rd cohort of doctoral researchers to start on 1st October 2025 it is planned that all 14 researchers conduct together a large field study. A clear motivation to work in the field over an extended period of time, to travel across Europe (partly by car) and to work in collaborative teams is an absolute prerequisite. Each doctoral research project is envisaged to contain an additional individual component, which may be made up by work in the lab, in experimental mesocosm or in environmental modelling.
The field study will entail a large number of different topics. Applicants are thus requested to prioritize in their application which three to five of the following areas they prefer to work in: biogeochemistry, ecology, ecological modeling, ecotoxicology, environmental analytics, environmental chemistry, environmental modelling, environmental physics, animal ecology, food web ecology, invasion ecology, plant ecology, hydrology, molecular genetics, stable isotope analyses. A justification of the prioritized topics should also be provided with your application.